Friday, June 19, 2009


age 12.. i was already interested in artsy movies like this one with Marilyn Miller.....they were shown on channel 17, and I watched them with our ironing woman, Lucy, who is, incidentally, still alive...she must be 100! I found some Ruth Etting albums at the goodwill store and discovered Busby Berkely much later......My parents liked Jerome Kern and George Gershwin, and I don't think they considered it odd that I liked much of the stuff they liked........At least I didn't argue with them over the "old stuff" that they preferred! I eagerly anticipated old Maurice Chevalier movies and loved the Gail Storm show and December Bride.......and...hehehe....Lucy and I watched the Liberace show after school! All those Korean era war films of the early 50's? I never gave them the time of day....Why should |, when Eleanor Powell, Jeanette and Nelson, & Fred and Ginger were around to lift my hopes for a world of Art and Music!

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