Friday, April 16, 2021


watching BBC News, this morning, a segment about 21st C. Afghanistan religious Shara Law was so off-putting, as bearded men, 'wearing' semi-automatic assault rifles, and carrying 'big sticks', beat 'others' for not observing some trivial gesture, required of their dogmatics... and women, for daring to show an ankle or their cheeks, or learning to read and write.....where MEN run the 'Show', perpetuating the ancient 'traditions' of this repressive, guilt-ridden religious Insanity........Annoyed, I turned to some 'Movie' channel, where yet another egregiously annoying 'religious' film was being broadcast {ironically, starring atheist, Max Von Sydow, one of my favorite actors since his 'Ingmar Bergman Days'}.....This Junk just doesn't fill me with awe and devotional, self-righteous reverential holiness....but. just reminds me of how long it will 'take' before all this piousness and devotion to the Imaginary Gods and their formulas for Everlasting Life will be dispersed by the Conscious interception of frontal lobe development...

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