Sunday, February 21, 2021

'Driver's Permit'......

After getting a 'driver's permit', at 15, the new World of Teen-Terror Trash was opened, at sunset....just as the vampires and werewolves came out to fulfil John Ackerley's plan to terrify the Mouseketeers with "B" movie Schlock with off-the-shelf electronic kazoo soundtracks......Of course, I was seated behind the wheel, a bit nervous...with the window rolled down to accommodate the aluminum speaker box that delivered the shrill screams of women in Décolletage, requiring the manly protection of a rock-hard 9th-grader... Martian invaders, sucking human brains out with Dr. Phibes' latest pre-Cronenberg surgical instruments.....sexualized Zombie dolls being manipulated by mad scientists....and beatniks, smoking 'weed' and making sculptures from cat cadavers, as humans became wasps, panthers, walking dead sonambulists, goo-dripping flies, wax-covered naked-woman mannequins, alligator people and retributary apocalyptic destroyers of Humanity..........All this was far less unsettling than watching Old Yeller getting gored by a bull, hoards of soldiers being eviscerated by machine gun fire, yellow toxic smoke clouds,  and thermo-nuclear bombs, cowboys shooting one another in the streets, then  hung in trees for their transgressions against other drunken outlaws........After the movie(s), there was still time to rush home for Marvin, Dear and the Deadbeats' "Shock Theater"... Friday Nights......9th Grade Beatnik-ish corncake......from Chicago, via rooftop antennas and rabbit ears... to TV Stations in most cities and towns.... right before 'sign-off'....."How would you feel if you were dead....and didn't have to pay taxes?" Well, Nothing, I guess....and "I'm in 8th grade, and don't pay taxes, anyway." A 15 year-old's hormonal  contradictory rebellion against Lawrence Welk and the Conventionalization of Polka as an Art Form.....A lot scarier without a 'laugh track'.....I'll go for Celluloid, every time! Buzz off, Annette!.....Anita Ekberg's 'playing' at Woody's Drive-In, and Immoral Mr. Teas' got some naked women wrapped in plastic wrap at The Whitesburg Drive-In.... Then, suddenly, it's off to University and the discovery of Art House Terror, in French, Italian, Polish and Russian....with sub-titles.......This 'all' must be better fare.....right?......Right?

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