Friday, December 12, 2008


I haven't seen the new "TDTESS" film, but i was just thinking about Gort.... Gort administers devastation to those who would disrupt the Peace within a collection of planets that may interact with one another........Earth is not a favorite of Klaathu's, exactly, is it? It does seem that the only device that seems to stop Mankind's violent and aggressive habits is the fear of and actualization of radical punishment.....not just the threat, but the threatener's willingness to kick ass...
It's been over half a century since the great film opened.....I'm certain that the new version will have much more violence and many more threats of Earth's extinction.....there's a jillion more landmines, guns, bombs, poison gas cannisters....well, more of everthing thing that can possibly wreak havoc.....humans are just very reactive and prone to violence, aggression and retribution......We need a real Klaathu to visit and read us the handwriting on the wall!

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