Monday, October 21, 2024


 Over a quarter of a century 
after Philip Pullman's grown up reply to the adolescence of J.K. Rowling's infantile gibberish, the DARK MATERIALS TRILOGY.....sorta Milton for intellectual youths....I heard, a few years ago, that he will have a new 'trilogy' on the presses....beginning with a prequel, “La Belle Sauvage” ........Will it be bought up and made into a movie? I remember, well, all the controversy over his last series of books and the Christian Right's boycott of the movie adaptation of "The Golden Compass', which led to the other two sequels being dropped from production, in obeisance to the Right Wing, that condemned it as atheistic and unsuitable for American YOUTH.....a baker's dozen years ago, after theaters pulled GOLDEN COMPASS as Atlanta's "Christian" 'Moms" marched on the Capital downtown.......I cranked out, in my 'Bitching' blog of the day: "After waiting impatiently for the film adaptation of Phillip Pullman’s classic seems that i must be pacified by "The Golden Compass", alone......for the general public apparently has little interest in atheistic fantasy film adaptations! Chris Weitz's artistic work still lies, bleeding.... butchered in the editing room, reflecting New Line's fear of fundamentalist backlash to one of the first atheistic children's fantasy films......too bad.....maybe Criterion will... at least.... issue a director's cut of the film as it was originally conceived before the post-production debacle.......After all, the Religious Right has the trashy Chronicles of Narnia and the Prince Whatever to balm it's offended sensibilities, doesn't it? I am doubtful that The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass will be filmed, in the near future, although The Golden Compass brought in a couple of hundred million bucks on the European market.......Calvinistic American Parents were less than enthusiastic about the release and New Line Cinema stupidly released the film during "Jesus" season in the States! Incidentally New Line went belly up, losing big bucks......Do 12 year-olds actually know who Nicole and Daniel are? In America, its all about catering to populist tastes....and we know that is "C-minus"!"

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