Friday, May 31, 2024

JEWELLED COINCIDENCES The Devon and 'Madame Mandelip'

Watching Todd Browning's 1936 film, The Devil Doll.....I freeze-framed a couple of stills.......One was from a scene wherein Lionel Barrymore is digging an emerald from a platinum ring........."Hmm"....I thought.....I have a ring that's almost identical.......and have renamed it The Devon Ring......Obliquely, "Devon" was sitting next to a cluster of a dozen old German figurines.......In the film, the ring mount and it's emerald, removed, is placed in a 'doll', on a table with a dozen other dolls......And, even more coincidentally, Barrymore plays a character, in drag, wearing a pair of earrings that are exactly like a pair that I have and have worn........Go figure! This film, a sub-text being the sub-miniaturization of make the Earth more capable of feeding the exploding populations of 'everything'......was created shortly after Einstein's having published his then Science-Changing Theory of General Relativity and the introduction into Art of the Physics of matter and energy.......Early in the film, the Scientist, Marcel, lectures, briefly, on the Theory... that, if the space between atoms were reduced, miniaturization would be possible.... Levond comments, in The Devil Doll: "if most men were reduced to the dimensions of their mentality, Marcel's plan wouldn't be necessary."

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