Saturday, September 10, 2022

Even though its special effects and production design were more cerebrally satisfying than a dozen Super-Powered Caped Hero MARVEL/DC Mall Movies........


... I wasn't enthralled with the new was just, like the book upon which all the Dune Films are based....just too Religious.......Hey, isn't this supposed to be 'happening' waaay in the future....10,000 years or so......with these humans and human-ishs......still, observing all the ritualized devotion to a  rather Muslim conceptualization of Universal Order and Ritualized Obedience to Royal Hierarchy......I wanted to hitch a ride on a flying, mechanical dragonfly-copter....and do the Time Warp to some other Imaginary, less dusty,  Theme another dimension.....but a giant sand worm must have swallowed my plastic transporter pin........At least this viewing was free (free weekend of HBO) and there were no teenagers, digging into those tubs of greased salty popcorn.......  There was some Irony,  I thought, as I watched a few minutes of the hullabaloo of QEII's death and formal transfiguration into History Books........all that Pomp & Disingenuous Ceremony brought to mind the arrival and death of Duke Leto, after his family's installation as Royalty...on Arrakis.....

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