Friday, May 7, 2021

;THE WHISTLE........We're cutting break time down a few minutes to give the CEO a million dollar raise........;

Viewing Robert Siodmak's lesser-known 1951 Film, THE WHISTLE AT EATON FALLS, this morning.....only because it starred Lloyd Bridges and a 'Gish' sister, Dorothy.....within a couple of minutes, noticing the similarity...on many levels.....between this film and ON THE WATERFRONT, made a couple of years later, my mind spun off in typical analytic mode.......eventually....(minutes later)...themes from both versions of ALL THE KING'S MEN and some other 'noirish' films...and books.......Theodore Dreiser's, being one of the first, in line......about the abuse of power and the facile inducements of mass opinions, attitudes and belief systems......and the seeming inevitability of ethical and moral degradation that accompanies rises to Power and Economic Status..... [I tossed these words to this Blog entry....hopefully, to return...and write a more cohesive 'article', since hundreds of observations, from many perspectives,  keep inundating my head......So, a semi-colon must suffice...and a plethora of commas, until later......However, I've laid a bookmark to come back to...after I re-watch a couple of Ayn Rand Film Adaptations....and a couple of dozen post WW2 'rise of Capitalism' movies, made during the "Communist Fear" era of the "G-Man Hoover Years"......]  I'm feeling like a steel ball, being batted and redirected around an old Arcade Game.....the ones with buttons, flippers, flashing lights and 'you lose' pockets, closest to the hearts of once-eager naive  Players with nickels to spare......Hmmm, 'we' could make more profit if we could 'cut down' on the size of those plastic shirt buttons by a quarter of a some workers and  replacing them with Chinese-made Industrial Machines......then award the 'savings' to our CEO......he needs another vacation home, doesn't he, on his pursuit of a seat in Congress, or The Presidency.....where he can fuse the minds of the Hoi to the Will of The Powerful....Aren't 'they' just wind-up modeling clay figures, after all?   Get your hands off your hips or you'll be fired!  And we're re-designing the 'coin-slot' to take quarters, that a 'dollar-grabber'........the metal is waay too about just re-engineering the machines to read credit cards, still in folded wallets, in those not-so-deep pockets......Yes!....that'll get a dollar/hr. raise and 'preferred' health insurance.....but watch those coffee can't bring your own java, you know!     


vaporcloud said...

"Qu'ils mangent de la brioche" while 'their' bits and harnesses are fitted......Spurs weren't made as decorative boot ornaments, after all, were they? They became that....after their real purpose was cloaked by Fashion and Glamour.......The 'broken' horses and working cattle eventually and willingly open their mouths to receive the familiarity of Control......Even a feline will jump through a flaming hoop for the promise of filet mignon, won't it?

vaporcloud said...