Out of Nowhere, Swedish actor, Martin Wallström, after a string of artsy Swedish movies, hit the World's TV screens as MR. ROBOT's Tyrell Wellick....with little evidence of his Nordic lineage.....He's the new ambiguous Liv Ullman manchild.....and that's no skammen....to Rami Malek's schizoid convolutions....don't try to count the interpositing scan lines, folks.....it's all Hi-Def!
Thursday, November 4, 2021
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Over The Counter (1932)SOME REAL NONSENSE FROM 1932...........women are traduced from corseted repression to willing metaphoric exploitation........First 'Lady', Eleanor Roosevelt, a few years later, would provide some hope and respite to women, emerging from their man-made cocoons, in heels and lipstick, alas......still, but fodder for Hollywood's exploitative chauvinistic sexism, as men sought both 'respectable' Wives and flapper fantasy broads......one, by contract.....the other, 'over the counter'.......
OVER THE COUNTER gets my 'tackiest costume' award for 1932, incidentally...