I was just wondering 'what a 3rd "take" by a current director would "be like".'
Lucille Ball in the 1st Version, Anita Eckberg in the 2nd.....and (?) in a new version.......
[.(?) = Haley Atwell, Margot Robbie, Scarlet Johansson, Jennifer Lawrence or Brie Larson...ie Larson? ]
Who would/should direct it?
Both of the 'older' films reminded me of an amalgam of Lost Horizons....
both versions......,
Flight Of The Phoenix, Alive, and Sands Of The Kalihari.......
All of which, like the Farrow Films....now, largely forgotten........
"LANSA Flight 508", directed by Sam-Taylor Johnson?......
Starring: Kristin Stewart, and the cast of A Million Little Pieces?
What defines 'modern Cinematics'?
What elements make a Film 'Important' after a half century?
I 'tried to re-watch' Ridley Scott's 'Final Edit' of his, now 40-year old, Bladerunner, just yesterday;
but, despite it's 'Look'.......all the gimicy slips were showing and the Film looked really 'dated'
in it's 1940-ish rainy 'noirishness'......
When I 'found myself' making critical assessments of every other frame, and hearing it's cast.
..stumbling through the clumsy dialogue....
against the tiresome backdrop of 'then "in"' composer, Vangelis,
I just wanted to put away my wet umbrella for a 'drip-dry'
and take the Wonder Woman translucent plane off to parachute into some Swedish Art Film
with dark grey subtitles, against a black/vs/white Scenario........
or just recall images of Tallulah and William Bendix, being coached by Alfred Hitchcock