I had to take a break from watching the 1949 film LOST BOUNDARIES, directed by groundbreaking director Louis de Rochemont (http://www.seacoastnh.com/louis/filmography.html)...{http://www.seacoastnh.com/History/History-Matters/Louis-de-Rochemont-in-Hollywood-NH/} to reflect on the many attitudes and prejudices that I encountered as a child, growing up in Alabama...... That today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day is especially meaningful in the context of my mindset this morning, of course......Like so many other important Films, LOST BOUNDARIES was forbidden in Alabama, even though the movie won the 1949 Cannes Film Festival award for Best Screenplay. [http://www.jstor.org/discover/4137151?sid=21105655477773&uid=2&uid=3739616&uid=3739256&uid=4] A young friend of mine recently asked me why I was interested in "perspectives" of history.....since, like most youths of any generation, my naive' friend lives only in the pop culture of what's on base this very minute, forgetting even the events of the day before and giving little anticipatory interest to the past's predications of Tomorrow.......